Thursday 15 November 2007

I'm turning more generic... you can now reach me at, which is great.

Yesterday, I met with Nancy Turner at the University of the Arts; Nancy is currently Director of Professional Development, but will be covering for the Dean of Learning & Teaching Development who will shortly be on maternity leave. UAL are also customers of Blackboard ASP, and Nancy and I shared some very interesting stories about ASP and some of their consultancy services - the inaugural meeting of our"Blackboard Support Group" (I knew my counselling course would come in useful). We look forward to meeting regularly to update each other with progress and see how we might be able collaborate.

After a short spell squatting in the London Knowledge Lab, I visited Michelle Wake - Head of Library & Information Services at the School of Pharmacy. Michelle has been invited to join the BLE Steering Group, which she has accepted. A good move forward in encouraging more collaboration with SoP.

I'll be at the RVC in Potters Bar today and Camden tomorrow.


  1. If we email your bloomsbury email address, does it get forwarded to your rvc email account?
